Abogados de Accidentes de Beber y Conducir

We help people who have suffered injury or death by providing access to the highest level of legal representation, medical treatment, and financial compensation.


Working With Us Is Easy

After you sign up with us, we immediately notify the insurance company they have to go through us


Free Case Review


Free Case Review

We are available 24/7, and will review your case and all your options for free.

It’s Free To Speak With Us
Schedule Your Case Review

Hire us


Hire us

You do not pay us until we win your case.

It’s Free To Speak With Us
Schedule Your Case Review

Case Plan


Case Plan

Our team will develop a plan specific for you, and your individual case. We will send letters of representation to insurance companies, obtain police reports, perform accident investigations, and gather all evidence related to the accident.

Medical Treatment


Medical Treatment

We will help you navigate the healthcare system and your medical treatment. We work with many respected and highly experienced medical providers who will guide your treatment towards recovery, even if you don’t have health insurance.




We will negotiate on your behalf to help you recover:

  1. Medical Bills & Future Medical Costs
  2. Lost Wages & future loss of earnings
  3. Physical & Mental Pain and suffering, both past & future
  4. Wrongful Death Damages
  5. Property Damages




Our goal is to reach a fair settlement with the insurance company, and for our clients to be fairly compensated for their injuries.




If the insurance company refuses to reach a fair settlement for your case, then our firm will file a lawsuit on your behalf. We have our own Litigation Department who will fight for you in court to recover the money to which you are entitled for your injuries.

01 - Free Case Review

We are available 24/7, and will review your case and all your options for free.

It’s Free To Speak With Us
Schedule Your Case Review

02 - Hire us

You do not pay us until we win your case.

It’s Free To Speak With Us
Schedule Your Case Review

03 - Case Plan

Our team will develop a plan specific for you, and your individual case. We will send letters of representation to insurance companies, obtain police reports, perform accident investigations, and gather all evidence related to the accident.

04 - Medical Treatment

We will help you navigate the healthcare system and your medical treatment. We work with many respected and highly experienced medical providers who will guide your treatment towards recovery, even if you don’t have health insurance.

05 - Negotiations

We will negotiate on your behalf to help you recover:

  1. Medical Bills & Future Medical Costs
  2. Lost Wages & future loss of earnings
  3. Physical & Mental Pain and suffering, both past & future
  4. Wrongful Death Damages
  5. Property Damages

06 - Settlement

Our goal is to reach a fair settlement with the insurance company, and for our clients to be fairly compensated for their injuries.

07 - Litigation

If the insurance company refuses to reach a fair settlement for your case, then our firm will file a lawsuit on your behalf. We have our own Litigation Department who will fight for you in court to recover the money to which you are entitled for your injuries.

Abogado de accidentes de auto en estado de embriaguez de California

Víctimas de accidentes de conducción bajo estado de embriaguez

Estar involucrado en un accidente  de automóvil puede ser aterrador y le dejará sintiéndose indefenso y enojado, especialmente si la persona que fue  culpable de  su accidente estaba embriagado. Ese conductor puede enfrentar cargos criminales, pero eso no lo ayuda directamente  a recuperar la indemnización por sus lesiones, salarios perdidos, y costosas facturas médicas. Pero un abogado de accidente de auto en California le puede ayudar a iniciar una acción civil de indemnización.

La diferencia entre las acciones penales y civiles en un accidente de auto  en estado de ebriedad

El conductor en estado de ebriedad  puede enfrentar acciones penales por la  operacion  de un vehículo de motor mientras esta bajo la influencia del alcohol. Pueden incluir acciones  criminales,  penas como multas adeudadas al Estado y tiempo en prisión. Nada de esto, sin embargo, compensa  las víctimas de un  conductor ebrio. Para recibir una indemnización, usted necesita presentar una acción civil.

Sin embargo, usted puede utilizar las pruebas, como el contenido de alcohol en sangre del conductor, recolectado  en el curso de una investigación penal por su acción civil. Por ejemplo, si en la escena del accidente cuando llegó la policía, el límite de alcohol en la sangre del conductor estaba por encima del límite legal, esa información podría  demostrar  que el conductor estaba impedido  y no tomó las  precauciones correspondientes  para proteger la seguridad de los demás en el camino.

A continuación se presenta una descripción general del límite legal de intoxicación en California:

  • Conductores  comerciales: 0,04 por ciento de
  • Los conductores no comerciales a lo largo de los 21 años de edad: 0,08%
  • Conductores menores de 21 años: 0,02%

Consecución de una  acción civil contra un conductor ebrio

Para recuperar cualquier indemnización por lesiones para  usted o a su ser querido, usted tendrá que llevar adelante una acción civil (reclamación de seguros) o de una demanda contra el conductor que causó el accidente. En casos de accidentes de DUI, usted necesita demostrar: que

  • El conductor estaba ebrio y su nivel de intoxicación
  • El estado de embriaguez le hizo un conductor  inseguro y fue negligente
  • La  negligencia causó el accidente
  • Que sufrió daños

Si usted puede probar estos elementos, puede ser capaz de recuperar no sólo salarios perdidos y gastos médicos, pero los daños punitivos. Los tribunales pueden adjudicar daños punitivos en California para castigar a alguien por su mala conducta. Tales daños podrían ser apropiados  en estas circunstancias.

A continuación se muestran algunos otros daños que una parte agraviada puede recuperar después de un accidente de DUI.

  • Los gastos médicos pasados y futuros
  • salarios perdidos
  • capacidad reducida de ganancia,
  • daños a la propiedad
  • Terapia física/otros tipos de terapia
  • intangibles como el dolor y el sufrimiento

Para determinar qué acciones llevar a cabo y  proteger sus derechos, póngase en contacto con Ryan Sargent en 833-599-6667 si usted o alguien que usted ama ha sufrido lesiones en un accidente de auto con un conductor ebrio.

Recent Results

Our goal is to provide the highest level of legal representation and financial compensation for our clients. Here are some of our recent results.

This is only a partial list of recent results. Past results obtained on behalf of our clients are not a guarantee that same, or similar, results can be achieved in your case. All cases are different and must be evaluated independently based on their own merits. Call today and speak with a lawyer for a free evaluation of your case.

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su caso de lesiones

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Evaluación gratuita de casos

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valor de su caso hoy.

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Why Choose Sargent Law Firm?

Working with Sargent Law Firm is easy. After you sign up with us, we will immediately get to work contacting the insurance company, and creating a specific legal plan for your case.


Our law firm has handled 1,000’s of personal injury cases, and is known for our honesty, exceptional client experience, and impressive case results within our community.

No Up-Front Cost

Our clients do not pay us until we win your case!


It’s Free To Speak With Us
Schedule Your Case Review

Protection from The Insurance Companies

Insurance companies want to pay you the least amount of money for your injury claim. We know the techniques and games that insurance companies use, and our firm will fight for your fair compensation.


Our team of attorneys are compassionate, assertive, and experienced in all aspects of a personal injury case.


Ongoing communication with our clients is a top priority at our firm. Our experienced team is available by text, phone, email, and client portal to keep our clients updated at every step of their case.


A Sargent Law Firm Client Portal is created for all of our clients. This allows our clients to access their case and case updates at their convenience. We utilize technology to enhance our client experience and case results.

Dedicada a ayudar a las personas lesionadas a recuperarse.

Es gratis hablar con nosotros y conocer el valor de su caso hoy.

Disponible 24/7

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